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  • Writer's picturePetra

Why artificial intelligence matters

The impact of AI on healthcare is controversial, yet inevitable. AI-based applications and service systems are becoming increasingly common. However, we see that the application of AI in healthcare is more cautious.

AI, as a data-driven decision-making technology has demonstrated sufficient capabilities in diagnostic imaging and epidemic prediction. Nevertheless, AI in healthcare raises certain ethical and philosophical concerns with respect to issues of security, privacy and transparency.

The seriousness of medical care requires us to have sufficient evidence and provide an explanation for every detail of the decision-making process. The doctor-patient relationship is delicate, and public acceptance of AI-guided diagnosis will take some time.

The philosophical context of AI in medicine encourages the analysis of fundamental questions related to such a solution. Is there something unique about the doctor-patient relationship that may be irreplaceable by AI? What role does the concept of subjectivity play in this context? Does the incorporeal nature of AI have any relevance?

AI truly raises many ethical and bioethical questions. Addressing them is a crucial step in the responsible development of new technologies in medicine.

Stay in touch to read more stories about AI in healthcare.

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